Category: Archimedean


KaleidoTile is a colorful program for investigating Tilings, Symmetry, and Polyhedra.  I remember seeing it many years ago. I’m glad to see that Jeff Weeks is continuing to update it.  FREE download.

Ball of Whacks

Update: I turned this into a full page:  Top 8 Interesting Things to Know about the Rhombic Triacontahedron Ball of Whacks is a geometry toy. (Available online and in toy stores that sell cool stuff.) It is a rhombic triacontahedron.  Each of the 30 rhombic faces are golden, in that the ratio of the diagonals …

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I’ll be doing a Beauty of Three Dimensional Polyhedra Workshop

Beauty of Three Dimensional Polyhedra Workshop (in Celebration of the MAA’s Centennial) MathFest at Washington, DC. Friday, August 7, 2015, 1:00-2:20 p.m., Maryland C Description: I have long been fascinated by the Platonic and Archimedean solids and their mathematical beauty. In this workshop I will demonstrate, and we will work with, a variety of materials …

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